समझ नहीं आया कहने के तरीके। Different ways to say I don't understand by Deepak Rajoria

Hello Friends,
Many a time while talking with people we are likely to miss some of the phrases, Sentences or any specific vocab uses by the speaker.
Then here are some of the sentences which can help you to ask the beholder to express those things in different ways.

Different Ways to Say "I don't Understand" -

◆ Pardon me please.
◆ Sorry, I didn't get what you said.
◆ I am sorry I completely missed, what you said.
◆ Excuse me!  Can you repeat it for me.
◆ Please come Again.
◆ Everything went over to my head.
◆ I am not getting you.
◆ I can't follow you.
◆ Would you please speak slowly for me.

I hope this will help you in your day to day conversations.

Deepak Rajoria
(English Trainer, Coach, Motivator)

Focus Classes
(Next-Gen Coaching Institute)
Kapil Vihar Colony, Near Second Park, Banna Devi, Aligarh-202001

Mob : 8273007746

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