Why are you still struggling speaking Good English?
Why don't you speak naturally or if you speak why it is not in the way actually it should be?
Have you ever tried to find out the reasons why you are not meeting the desired result and expectations.
Lemme tell you the biggest factor in this way that is the people are very much worried about mistakes. They think if they start speaking English they may commit mistake or mistakes and someone can take them differently.
Even if they know, they miss the opportunities to speak English.
I would like to ask if you are going to be awarded for not opening your mouth for practicing English. If yes, carry on this and be happy.
If not, then never miss such an opportunities friends.
Once someone start learning English, Mistakes are obvious.
Whoever the good and dynamic speaker you find around or who you think are most admiring in your eye they all have gone through this process of making mistakes.
Take your take, I agree that many a times you may have to face rejections, embarrassment but don't take these thing wrong these are actually corrections which must be there.
Guyz if you have started the journey of becoming a dynamic speaker, don't give up like this.
Great things never come from one's comfort zone come out of your comfort zone of speaking and expressing in Hindi.
Let mistakes fall in the way.
Good luck!
Deepak Rajoria
(English Trainer, Coach, Motivator)
Focus Classes
Next-Gen Coaching Institute
Kapil Vihar Colony, Near Second Park, Banna Devi, Aligarh-202001
Mob: 8273007746
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